Believe what you will about him, nobody else has created more controversy, changed more lives, shaped more of culture, or shifted more of history than Jesus. No one has taught more provocatively about life’s meaning, nor walked the talk more authentically. Surely such a defining figure deserves a closer look – by skeptics, cynics and believers alike. You might discover – as millions have – that Jesus is not only as real as the Bible says he is, but that he loves you as much as the Bible says he does. That is the good news of Jesus.


you’ve got some very deep, challenging questions. Questions like:


ultimate purpose and meaning of life? The answer to those questions require some serious exploration. First of all you have to


the question of whether or not there is a God. Arguably, the bigger question is not simply “is there a god?” but “what about the guy who claimed to be God?” What do you believe about



Below are some answers and downloads* that will help you explore what God, faith and Christianity is all about.

*Click below to find out more.


The Gospel is the good news that God sent his Son to redeem the world from the effects of sin and create a new humanity. Eventually the whole world will be renewed to the way God originally created it. Rebellion, death, decay, injustice, and suffering will all be removed. When everything is restored, God will be seen by all for who he truly is—he will be glorified.

(Ephesians 2:10,14-22; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Revelation 21)

The Power of the Gospel to Save

The gospel is not just about my individual happiness or God’s plan for my life. It is about God’s plan for the world.
— Jeff Vanderstelt

Jesus helped clarify how we accomplish the purpose of the gospel by giving us his mission: “Go and make disciples”. (Matthew 28:19). As the arts, industry, politics, families—all areas of culture—are being filled with Jesus’ disciples bringing about his gospel restoration, the earth is being filled with his glory! That is the point of the restoration of all things—that God would be glorified!