We believe the Bible gives us a clear and very attractive picture of what leadership looks like in Christ’s Kingdom and in the church. We believe that Godly leadership in the local Church is team focussed.
When the Apostle Paul planted churches he generally followed a certain pattern. He began by establishing a regular gathering of believers who called themselves disciples or Christians. Over time he would identify and train certain men to lead the church, and they would be called ‘elders’. We believe that God raises up, and the church recognises elders/pastors, who govern/shepherd the church. The team of elders carries responsibility before God for the doctrine, discipline, direction and devotion of the church. Our elders are Hugh Pearce, Tom Allen, Al McDonald, Carl Barker and Rob Clayton - pictured below with their wives.
Hugh & Claire Pearce
Tom & Nicole Allen
Al & Debs McDonald
Carl & Lisa Barker
Rob & Abi Clayton
Deacons serve and champion various aspects of church life, ensuring people are served and that the elders focus on the key areas they should.
Roy and Dorothy Wheeler
Hugh Pearce
Elder on staff
Becca Marsh
Operations & Ministry Coordinator
Hannah Sweetman
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
The trustees are responsible for the legal management and administration of the church, ensuring that it is fulfilling its purposes and subject to general law. They ensure that their management and administration operates in complete agreement and harmony with the vision and values of the Charity (Church). The Trustees recognise the Spiritual Authority of the elders in the church and seek to complement that with their experience and expertise.
Hugh Pearce
Calum McDonald
Rhian Luard
Joel Davies
Redeemer Church is part of the Newfrontiers worldwide movement of churches, and more specifically we are part of the Relational Mission family of churches within that movement (Read the 'We Are Relational Mission' booklet here). Newfrontiers is a worldwide network of about 1500 churches churches in over 60 nations. Our key partner churches are The City Church and Hope Church. These affiliation sit within the broader historic tradition of Protestant Reformed churches, with a strong emphasis on Charismatic renewal.
One of the privileges of being part of the Relational Mission family of churches is the support and oversight we are given by the network’s apostolic team and their delegates. This spiritual care is not imposed, but rather sought after. We do not want to ‘go alone’, or merely ‘sign up’ to a network. We want to develop significant, meaningful relationships as we see reflected in the Bible between churches and their spiritual fathers. Maurice Nightingale has particularly supported, cared for and inputed into us and we are currently part of one of our network’s ‘Communities’ which is led by Tom Scrivens who is based at hopeipswich.co.uk.