Generosity is powerful. It changes the life of the giver and the world around them. At Redeemer we are passionate about living generously as a whole community. We have realised that our mission to impact our town, our nation and the world cannot be achieved without it.
We value stewardship. We believe that everything we have belongs to God and we are only looking after, or are stewards of, what He has given us. It is with this in mind that we encourage people to give regularly and generously in proportion to their income. It takes resources to fulfil all that God has given us to do so let's ask God what we can do to play our part in giving to the work of Redeemer.
Many give directly from their bank account by regular standing order. Giving in this way means that those who have responsibility for looking after the finances have the benefit of knowing that an assured amount will be available each month. Tithing (giving 10% of our income) is a commitment that many decide to undertake.
If you are a tax payer please do also complete the Gift Aid form at the bottom. Gift Aid is a government initiative which means that if you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue at no extra cost to you from the tax you have paid. This makes your gift go much further.
There are a number of different ways to give to Redeemer as outlined below.
This is the best way in that there are no charges if you do it directly with your bank. ALL your donation goes to the church. Log on to your online banking and set up a standing order donation to be made to Redeemer Church Colchester. If you GIFT AID your donation (must be a taxpayer) then the government adds 25% of your gift on top - making your giving go further. Please sign a Gift Aid declaration if you qualify - click the button below.
Account Name: Redeemer Church Colchester
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00028965
Reference: Surname + Initials
If your giving is towards our Gift Days please add the reference ‘Gift Day’.
Please email info@redeemerchurchcolchester.org to let us know you have set up a new transfer.
Clicking this button takes you to a form to fill out which adds 25% on to your gift if you are a tax payer.
This is the easiest and quickest way to give, especially for ONE OFF gifts. Using this service incurs some charges, so if you are able please do use Online Banking (see above) to set up a standing order. You can give a one off gift online now by clicking the DONATE button. If you are a tax payer, you can make your gift go further by completing the Gift Aid section.
TEXT GIVING - Simply send a text to 07380 307 800 containing REDEEMER, followed by the word give, followed by the amount you wish to give one off, and adding an m or w at the end if you want their donation to recur monthly or weekly. You will then be sent to the page to finalise the information.
REDEEMER give [£insert amount] for a one-off gift, or add [m] for a monthly gift, or add [w] for a weekly gift.
e.g. REDEEMER give £50 (a one off £50 gift) or REDEEMER give £100m (a recurring monthly £100 gift)
AT GATHERINGS - There are opportunities to give in person at our various gathering. Use the giving envelopes provided to give via cash or cheque. If you are a taxpayer please name your giving and SIGN A GIFT AID DECLARATION to make your gift go further. Fill in the form below.
CHEQUE - If you would like to send us a cheque, please make it payable to Redeemer Church Colchester and send it to Redeemer Church Colchester, c/o Hope Church, The Orwell Centre, 114 Fore Hamlet, Ipswich, UK IP3 8AF.
PAYROLL GIVING - If your employer offers this scheme contact them for details.
Gift Aid is a government initiative which means that if you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue at no extra cost to you from the tax you have paid. This makes your gift go much further.
In order for us to claim, please complete the declaration below. Please remember to inform us if any of your details change or you cease to be a UK tax payer.
Am I eligible to sign up for Gift Aid? In each year you need to have paid tax equal to the amount we will reclaim - currently 25p for every £1 you donate. Both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax qualify. And it doesn't matter what rate of tax you pay, just the overall amount of tax that you have paid. For example: If you gave us £100, we would claim back £25, so you need to have paid just £25 tax in that year.
I have already agreed to Gift Aid for another Charity, do I have to sign up again? Yes, you need to give separate permission for Gift Aid to each charity you support.
Can I Gift Aid if I am a pensioner? As a pensioner you may still pay tax on a private pension plan or savings account, or you may pay capital gains tax if you sell property or shares. As long as you have paid enough tax during the year to cover your donations, you can Gift Aid them.
If you have any queries or require further information, please email info@redeemerchurchcolchester.org.
Click the button and complete the form.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher rate or an additional rate and you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Registered Charity Number: 1165450
There are creative ways to raise support for Redeemer beyond your regular giving. ‘Give as You Live’ is one way! With ‘Give as You Live’ you simply create a free account, and click through the ‘Give as You Live’ website to various retailers you would normally use. These retailers then identify ‘Give as You Live’ as a means of increasing their sales and pass on a small percentage of all your purchases to ‘Give as You Live’ who in turn pass it on to Redeemer.
Generosity Stories
THE ENTERTAINER: A British family finds the joy of giving as their toy store grows.
MORE BLESSED TO GIVE: Tim Keller unpacks how giving is more blessed to give than to receive
RENEE LOCKEY: Working like a Doctor Living Like a Nurse