Redeemer’s vision is to ‘be a growing local church with a global reach, multiplying and strengthening churches by raising leaders, releasing missionaries and resourcing pioneering.’
Current Series (March 2025)
We believe we can do more together than apart - never underestimate your contribution. When faced with thousands to feed, Jesus’ disciples wanted to send them away to find their own food. Jesus however, turned to his disciples and told them to feed the thousands - crazy! Jesus then showed them how - by taking a packed lunch and, looking to heaven, he blessed it and fed the thousands (there were even leftovers).
A little, sown in faith and by ‘looking to heaven’ can bless thousands. You might feel like all you can offer is a packed lunch - do it in faith, then watch and see what the Lord does.
Giving by Bank Transfer is the best way as there are no fees that might reduce your gift. If you do give via bank transfer, please fill out a Gift Aid Declaration (if eligible) to increase your gift by 25%. Ensure you use the reference ‘Gift Days’ otherwise your giving will lgo into the General Fund.
The easiest way to give is to click the button below now and follow the instructions. If you are eligible, please fill out a Gift Aid Declaration on the form (if eligible) to increase your gift by 25%.
Please email to let us know so we can ensure your gift goes to the right place.
We are thrilled that for every pound given from 21st March 2025, up to £10,000, will be matched pound-for-pound by a donor.
This means your gift is doubled - if we raise a further £10,000 that means a further £20,000 in total. This is until the end of our Vision & Values series.
Your small change could make a big change!
*raised so far = between Sunday 16th March and Thursday 20th March.
Redeemer’s vision is to ‘be a growing local church with a global reach, multiplying and strengthening churches by raising leaders, releasing missionaries and resourcing pioneering.’
To keep us in the ‘right lanes’ we have summarised our journey forwards with the acronym B.L.E.S.S - reflecting our focus on Building Strong through seeing Leaders raised and released, Serving initiatives to bless our communities, Starting sites and church plants as well as Sending leaders to strengthen other situations, all for Evangelistic advance. See our ‘Building Strong & Sending Well’ series.
Building Strong to go long - long in reach and legacy
Dreams formed by;
Specific prophetic words, and
Significant passions
Founded on the Lord and outworked in dependance on Him
Building, Staffing. Equipping
Pillars & Pioneers
Pillars - those who stay and are built upon
Pioneers - those who are sent
Bowman and Arrows
“I do not wonder that you were saddened at the word of my going to South America… but remember how the Psalmist described children? He said that they were as an heritage from the Lord, and that every man should be happy who had his quiver full of them. And what is a quiver full of but arrows? And what are arrows for but to shoot? So, with the strong arms of prayer, draw the bowstring back and let the arrows fly—all of them, straight at the Enemy’s hosts”
For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 CSB)
The way that God pre-eminently displays his love for this world is in sacrificially giving his best, his only son for the purpose of redemption. THAT is why we GIVE OUR BEST.
It is why we build strong, for the long haul. Labouring and leaving a legacy until Christ returns
It is why we must see leaders raised and released – for now, for growth here, for sending elsewhere, for generations to come beyond us
It is why we serve the poor, manifesting he very heart of God and His kingdom culture.
It is why we will start and send, new initiatives, new pioneering situations…
Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do. (Galatians 2:10 ESV)
Partner: with other organisations
People, provision
Passions: discover and develop that passions on your heart
EG: Modern day slavery, fostering & adoption, homelessness
Projects: we pioneer
Long term, sustainable and go beyond us in to the next generation
Services: New services (already happened)
Sites: Locations?
Start ups: Church plants?
Leavers equipped (spread by persecution but people went ‘sent’)
Labourers to support existing/new pioneering situations
Leaders to start pioneering situations/church plants
Might you consider partnering with us through Prayer, Pursuing your own call, or Providing thorough financial giving.
Ready to put your yes on the table…?
Ready to put your YES on the table and let God put it on the MAP? Maybe just a tentative inquiry? Let us know by clicking on the button and filling out the interest form;
ID Internship
ID is a year-long church internship program designed to help you walk with Jesus into the adventures that he has for you. Over the course of the year you'll be immersed in the life and mission of a local church, where you can serve in a wide variety of exciting ministries and be lovingly discipled.
Called to Go
Are you exploring a call to serve in a culture other than your own? Over the course of a year, a cohort of men and women gather regularly to define, nurture and follow where God is may be leading them.
LEAD is a leadership training programme. Over two years, you will build strong theological foundations with powerful biblical truth, delve into the nature of kingdom leadership, and develop a chosen area of leadership, supported along the journey through one-to-one mentoring.
Urban Planting School
The Urban Planting school is a two-year training programme that equips missionally-minded, gospel-hearted people to bear long-lasting fruit in urban settings.