Thinking of joining us on a Sunday? This page is to give you some answers any questions you might have.
We’d love to meet you - simply look out for someone wearing a bright blue ‘Redeemer Kids’ t-shirt or head for the ‘Redeemer Kids‘ banner.
Children are God’s precious gifts to us and are a vital and important part of our church family.
We aim to make our children’s environment safe, fun and exciting!
We have four groups/spaces for our children.
0-12 months
Parents are very welcome to keep their babies in the main meeting but if you want to make use of it, there is a separate space for parents and babies.
1-3 years (Before the start of Reception)
Our energy-filled terrific toddlers! They take part in listening to Bible stories, crafts and games and interactive free-play.
Normally starts about 15 min after the start of worship.
AGES 4-6 / School years R-2
The kids spend the morning looking at the Bible together and getting involved in exciting crafts, activities and games.
Normally starts about 15 min after the start of worship.
AGES 7-11 / School years 3-6
The kids spend the morning looking at the Bible together and getting involved in exciting activities and games.
Normally starts about 15 min after the start of worship.

Registration to Redeemer Kids is open before the Sunday service gathering. Head over to the desk in the entrance when you arrive to register your child, you’ll be given a label for them and a collection ticket for you to keep, you’ll need to show this when you collect them after the service.
After you have registered your child/ren head to the main hall for the start of the service. There will be a notice after about 15 minutes to let you know that children work is starting, at this point please take your child to their group - one of our team will show you where to go.
We want our church and children’s work to be accessible and welcoming to children of all needs and would love your support as parents and carers to achieve this. We would love you to get in touch to let us know how we can support you and your children best by emailing kids@redeemerchurchcholchester.org
Whilst children are welcome to stay with you during the Sunday gathering, we do suggest you encourage you child to participate in their age related group since this will be more accessible and age appropriate from them.
There may be occasions where, due to the nature of the sermon, it would not be appropriate for your child to be in the main gathering.
Redeemer Kids is run by a team of dedicated and passionate children’s workers who are all well-trained and go through DBS security checks.
We are members of thirtyone:eight and have a thorough Child Protection Policy in place. Part of our care and security for your children is ensuring we have a thorough registration process.
We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about Redeemer Kids - you can email us at kids@redeemerchurchcolchester.org
Beyond Sundays with Redeemer Kids
Play and Pray
A mid-week group for parents of babies and pre-school children to meet for a time of fellowship and prayer, whilst the little ones play.
Baby Dedication
Baby dedication is a commitment to raise your child in the ways of the Lord. This dedication is not a statement of salvation for your child, but rather a statement of how you will raise your child.
Holiday Club
We run a Holiday Club during the Easter Holidays for those both in Redeemer and our Local Community.