RM Value 2 - Grace Filled
Below is a re-post blog from our dear friends at PLANT NIJMEGEN outlining the key values our network of churches (Relational Mission) holds dear. We recently sent a wonderful couple called Ben and Mikka Parker to be part of the core team that is pioneering the church plant. Ben served as an elder at Redeemer, and Mikka was on staff. They helped plant Redeemer in 2015 and are going again. Head to the PLANT NIJMEGEN website to find out more.
As we pursue our mission to plant churches, it is absolutely vital to clarify on which foundations we seek to build these churches. We identify 3 main doctrinal values. We seek to build churches that are
1. Word based
2. Grace filled
3. Spirit empowered.
Word based because we want to build upon the blueprints of scripture.
Grace filled as this is how God relates to us and we are called to relate to one another.
Spirit empowered as we believe that Jesus builds his church through the work of the Holy Spirit.
In this blog post we will look at what it means to be a grace filled church.
The story of the bible starts off with unimaginable potential. In the garden of Eden human beings are created in the image of God and for an intimate relationship with God. Yet soon tragedy strikes as Adam and Eve seek to put themselves at the centre of creation. This is how sin, sickness and death came into the world. The first part of the bible tells us the story of how ever since that tragic day God's people have been trying to make their way back to God, to restore the broken parts. In his kindness God gave them His law showing them how life ought to be lived in order to relate to a good and perfect God. But however hard they try, they all fall short. The law is like a perfect husband who is always right and constantly points the finger. It becomes quickly clear that however hard we try we are not perfect and one way or another we always fail.
Although unable to find their own way back to God, God never gave up on his people. Right from the start he promised to send a rescuer. This rescuer would not be some sort of valiant warrior. No, this would be God himself coming down to rescue his people. This is the miracle that lays at the heart of the Christian faith; it's called grace. The undeserved favour of God. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life [John 3:16].
Jesus was the only human being who fulfilled the law by living a perfect life. Yet he offered to take upon himself the sin and failures of everyone. The bible teaches us that the wages of sin is death [Romans 6:23]. Jesus being God used his divine life to pay the debt that is outstanding to God on all our lives by dying in our place. We needed the law to show us our need and lead us to Jesus. But the moment we accept Jesus, through his death we die to the law too. Our relationship with the law stops. Mr. Law is no longer our husband, instead we become the bride of Jesus who is like a husband who gives joy, life and peace.
The gospel means that we are more flawed than we would ever like to admit, yet at the same time we are more loved than we could ever imagine! It's when we experience this beautiful, kind love of God that our hearts begin to change. We no longer want to live for ourselves, but start to respond to God's love with a love that seeks His will in return. We no longer waste time with ‘dead works’, trying to tick all the right boxes to earn his favour, but instead start to seek his will out of love. Doing ‘good works’ that are full of faith, expectation, hope, the power of God and are motivated by love.
When the church operates in this way it becomes beautiful and attractive. When He saved us it’s like Jesus gave us a beautiful, white garment, we are free and forgiven. Nothing we do can add or take away the grace. Now He’s giving us a needle and golden thread to embroider on it the things He gives us to do, out of joy and love for Him! Showing the world around us, that this grace is freely available for anyone, no matter your background.
Being a grace filled church, means that our times together overflow with a celebration of God’s love for us. And out of this deep, found joy, good works start to bubble up as a natural response. Our relationship with those around us starts to change radically. Rather than seeking our own interests, we start to love others like we have been loved.
This works through in every layer of church life. From the way we are able to engage in authentic community; to the way we welcome those who don’t yet know God; to the way we treat those who are different to us; to our care for the poor and needy; to our ability to forgive those who wrong us; to accept and love those who find it hard to stay on the right path; to servant-hearted leadership that seeks to lay down our lives for others like Jesus did for us.
It’s by grace that God saved us, it’s through His grace that we continue to follow Him in every day, even amidst failure and it’s through grace that one day we will be welcomed to make our home with God forever in perfect intimacy once again.
Simone Vertegaal
Part of the Plant Nijmegen team