Book Redeemer Church Colchester Book Redeemer Church Colchester

Ch 3 - Fathering Leaders, Motivating Mission (Book)

'Books' is a variety of blog posts summarising/commenting on books I am reading through - at times chapter by chapter and at other times commenting on the whole book. This will generally be 'light' reading but I hope will help me to distill my own reading - and if of any help to others then great! These posts will be a summary of the book - where I want to add my personal reflections and thoughts I will make that clear! Hopefully this will give you a taster and a link to get the books and work through the issues yourself.


'Books' is a variety of blog posts summarising/commenting on books I am reading through - at times chapter by chapter and at other times commenting on the whole book. This will generally be 'light' reading but I hope will help me to distill my own reading - and if of any help to others then great! These posts will be a summary of the book - where I want to add my personal reflections and thoughts I will make that clear! Hopefully this will give you a taster and a link to get the books and work through the issues yourself.



David makes the point that we need to draw our PATTERN of hoe apostles should function from the New Testament, bearing in mind they were unique in various ways - calling, function, measure of gifting and anointing etc. Very early on he aims to DEFINE THE TERM and refers to connections the word has to Naval expeditions, Commanders, Ambassadors, Messengers, Delegates and Envoys. He refers to Lightfoot who says that in common use 'It was a title borne by those who were despatched from the mother city by the rulers of the race  on any foreign mission...a highly responsible mission.'.

The Commissioning of the Twelve - he draws out 3 key aspects of Jesus' commissioning; (1) They were to be 'with him', (2) Commissioning - go and preach the  good news, (3) To have authority.

Their functions (Reveal, Establish, Care, Engage, The Poor)

  1. REVEAL: Apostles bring understanding of the revelation concerning the overall purposes of God in the earth
  2. ESTABLISH: Apostles Establish churches
  3. ESTABLISH: Apostles lay good foundations in churches
  4. CARE: Apostles become Fathers to their established churches and leaders within them
  5. CARE: Apostles provide ongoing care
  6. ENGAGE: Apostles involve churches in the wider mission to unreached regions/people
  7. POOR: Apostles are concerned for the poor



David's personal experience and stories continue to add rich fabric to the book. His great desire for Apostolic ministry to be Fathering - strong, caring, not hierarchical and yet full of God-given authority is reassuring and encouraging. It gives me a greater respect and admiration for apostles who will one day give account to God and who live daily with the care and concern for the churches.

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